No posts with label South Seas Film School. Show all posts
No posts with label South Seas Film School. Show all posts

South Seas Film School

  • Square Business Cards - Good Idea Or Bad? Each and every day, entrepreneurs, job seekers, freelancers, employees, and executives hand out business cards. It happens in offices and on the street ... during chance meetings and networking events ... in between friends, new associates, or…
  • Rectification Of Accounting Errors Accountants prepare trial balance to check the correctness of accounts. If total of debit balances does not agree with the total of credit balances, it is a clear-cut indication that certain errors have been committed while recording the…
  • The Ascent of Money - A Review Through the years, various prophets have preached the evils of money and the glory of a society which exists without the need for it. So far, no society has succeeded in such a Utopian endeavor; in fact most who claim that goal seem only to be…
  • How to De-Clutter Your Computer Hard Drive Many people use their computer hard drive as a junk drive, collecting everything, from the most important files to things they never read. However, a computer hard disk, no matter how large it is, always has limited space, and sooner or later…
  • Tips for Using Voice Dictation to Blog on the New iPad Would not it be great if blogging were as simple as sitting down with a friend to share a story, your thoughts, or a point of view? Oh, to be freed from the computer keyboard and writer's block - to be able to simply say what is on your…